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Calvary Chapel Missions e.V. // Alte Eisenstrasse 6 // 57080 Siegen, Germany //

Dienstag, 2. August 2011


That means "thank you" in Nepali - thank you to everyone, that helped with the cake fundraising on Sunday at CC Siegen. Either by baking or buying a cake. It was a great encouragement for our small team. You sponsered almost a whole flight on Sunday. :-) This week we are going to book the flights, again we are a little late for that. We will get the last available flights, but everything fits: 5 flights left for booking and 5 people going to Nepal
What's next: getting in contact with interplast because of the second surgery date for Mendok, the detailed travel plans and preparing for the time at Mendok's school. 
We still need financial support. The flights in fall are more expensive, because it is one of the main travel seaosons to Nepal. The economic crisis also reached Nepal, namely with a little delay, but together with some political quarrels it is reason enough for the gas prices to rise. This makes travelling in the country more expensive, also.
But: if God opens a door, nothing and no one will be able to close it.

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