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Calvary Chapel Missions e.V. // Alte Eisenstrasse 6 // 57080 Siegen, Germany //

Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011

Thank you so much -

- to all who baked a cake, who bought cake or supported us in any other way! Together with a collection for the project about more than 300 Euro we got more than 1.000 Euros today with the cake donation event. I am really overwhelmed - overwhelmed by what God is doing and overwhelmed by all of you, how you get behind us. Thank you

Montag, 24. Januar 2011

Getting down to business

Today we got a reservation on the flights from April 8th-22nd. And got a little miracle going with this. April is main season for travelling to Nepal, what means the flights are more expensive and by now almost all booked up already. But we got the last two seats for both flights on a flight that is even cheaper than the one we got last year in off season...
After a lot of calculating, phone calls and checking last year's travel diary we got the finances straight. The result of all the calculating is that we will need 4500 Euro all together. This includes all travel expenses, lodiging, provisions and all kinds of fees for all people involved. We already have 3100 Euro, which means we need another 1400 Euros until April.

Before we did all the planning today we first sat down and prayed. And we experienced once more how God opened ond door after another (for example the flights). To know that He prepared every step is not only very soothing, but it also gives us great confidence.
And I myself just love it, when many people together (with Him) make things like The Mendok Project happen!

Montag, 17. Januar 2011

We got the surgery scheduled!

And exactly in that time frame that makes it due to our jobs possible for us to go to Nepal. After some kind of stop and go we ended up with Interplast-Germany e.V., a German organization that runs a hospital near to Kathmandu. In April there will be a team of German specialist to do mainly cleft-palate-surgery.
For us this means to fix travel arrangements and to work on the fundraising. The treatment is free for Mendok, we just have to pay a small registraiton fee. That leaves us with the travel costs for all persons involved. If you want to learn more about it, just send a short email to

By the way, there is another cake fundraiser on Sunday, January 30th at Calvary Chapel Siegen after the morning services.

Sonntag, 9. Januar 2011

Not many news...

- but a blessed New Year to all who stop by here once in a while to read the news, to join us in prayer or who donate for Mendok. On the right side you find the current prayer requests and a touching video from the British missions organization Asia Link.
On January, 30th we will have another cake-fundraiser at CC Siegen. Cakes and helpers for that Sunday are more than welcomed!
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